In its announcement of the changes, the USPS maintains that its prices will still be "among the most affordable in the world.”.In other words, stamp prices have gone up 100% since 2000, while the general inflation has been about 75% since then, according to CPI data. US home prices in April posted their first annual decrease in 11 years, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index, released Tuesday. WASHINGTON, DC As part of Delivering for America, its 10-year plan to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence, the United States Postal Service filed notice today with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) requesting price changes to take effect Aug.The new price of a Forever stamp would reflect an exact doubling of the price since 2000, when stamps cost 33 cents. While a 3-cent price increase may sound small, it all adds up over time.Some examples: Mailing a postcard domestically will cost 51 cents, up from the current rate of 48 cents, while sending an international letter will cost $1.50, an increase from today's price of $1.45.Prices for a range of mailing services will likely rise this summer as the USPS looks to increase its revenue. (Not to mention that this is the USPS's second price increase for 2023 the overall rise in prices of 60 cents to 66 cents this year represents a 10% increase.)Īssuming regulators approve the agency's latest proposals, the new USPS pricing will take effect on July 9. That's a higher percentage than the 5% reading for overall inflation in the economy in the past year from Wednesday's consumer price index (CPI) report. The 3-cent increase would represent a 5.4% jump in the price of Forever stamps, which cover postage for standard 1-ounce letters. Hawaii Alaska Florida South Carolina Georgia Alabama North Carolina Tennessee RI Rhode Island CT Connecticut MA Massachusetts Maine NH New Hampshire VT Vermont New York NJ New Jersey DE Delaware MD Maryland West Virginia Ohio Michigan Arizona Nevada Utah Colorado New Mexico South Dakota Iowa Indiana Illinois Minnesota Wisconsin Missouri Louisiana Virginia DC Washington DC Idaho California North Dakota Washington Oregon Montana Wyoming Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Pennsylvania Kentucky Mississippi Arkansas Texas Open an Account Today